martes, 1 de enero de 2013


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January PLanet Alert by Mahala

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Happy New Year everyone, may this be a wonderful year with surprises everywhere. Remember, we are still in the year of magic and miracles. This past year was very challenging. It was a number five year and five rules change. This year will be a number six year. Two plus thirteen (2013) = fifteen/six. The tone of 528 hertz is the vibration of love. The number 528 adds up to 15/6. With this number in affect we will see many people moving into unity consciousness, and this is the year when people will start thinking with their heart. It is also a number 13 year which is the number of the Goddess energy that is within everyone. Thirteen is also the number of transformation.

How did you experience December 21, 2012? Did you think nothing happened and life goes on as normal? That was not my experience. I felt waves of energy come in one after another which connected me with a higher frequency. I have heard from many people who had different kinds of experiences. Some cried for days, some felt the earth’s resonance jump in frequency and others felt the energy of the lay lines change. The crying part was around the time of Christmas and lasted until the full moon of December 28th. What a good way to open your heart chakra.

December 21st was just the beginning of the 12 days of Christmas. First we had the alignment with the galactic center and then the three suns lined up which are Alcyone in the Pleiadian system, Sirius, the central sun of the Milky Way and our local sun. Check out this link It is the best video I have seen about December 21, 2012.

In the eighties there was a movie that came out called The Dark Crystal. This movie talked about how the crystal had to be in place before the three suns lined up and then the change would happen. The movie was based on Atlantis and its destruction. It was also about the search for the right crystal to activate the earth so a new age could start where there was no more war and everyone lived in peace. After I saw that movie years ago I tried to figure out when the three suns would line-up and couldn’t figure out when that would happen so I finally gave up. It wasn’t until I watched the above video that it all came together for me.

The crystals were activated in Arkansas on December 12, 2012 with about 500 people attending an event held by ( Ark) Arkansas is crystal heaven, and it lines up with the Galactic Center. They have lots of beautiful crystals there and a mine where you can go and dig for your own crystals.

My friend Mona was a speaker at that event. She also stayed until December 21st so she could do an activation ceremony on that day. Shortly before the ceremony a large electrical storm came over the area where she was staying. Electrical energy really activates crystals so the stage was set for the final activation of the crystals. Many people I know also used crystals in their ceremonies around the world. This was symbolic of the activation of our crystal light bodies. We are now ready for ascension.

We have been on a roll since the summer solstice of June 21, 2012. This is when I first felt a time shift. The energy has been increasing in intensity since then. On October 26th the Ark of the Covenant in heaven (a higher frequency) was activated. Then the storm Sandy blew in and the veil came down. The veil going down has been an interesting experience. Now we are being exposed to everything. There are all kinds of realities floating around and it’s your choice which reality you choose to experience. This has been very hard for some people because they don’t know what is going on in their life and in the Universe.

When the veil went down we were exposed to all kinds of negative thoughts that seemed to come out of nowhere and we had to transform those thoughts. It was not only our own thoughts but those of mass consciousness. This was a very hard time period where it seemed like the dark was in full control, although that was just an illusion because the light has won. There will still be dark stuff coming up to be transformed into light for those who are still in the transformation phase.

Actually, it is all about balancing the light and dark within us. The light can’t exist without the dark. We needed to balance our brains so we can become one and manifest Unity Consciousness. The skull and the brain has been a major part in the Mayan calendar. Anyone who has studied the calendar and the pyramids in Mexico know that our skull played a big part in this change. In the Christian church there has been a big deal about the head of John the Baptist and there are pictures of Mary Magdalene with a skull on her lap. This was all symbolic about the changes that had to happen to our brain before we could ascend to a higher frequency.

Some people have lost their memory at times because of this brain activity. With Uranus in Aries, which rules the head and brain, there have been many brain or head challenges in the past year or so. The brain doctors have been very busy trying to figure out what is going on. The magnetic field going down has also affected our brains. How many times have you looked for a word that you just can’t seem to find? It can be very embarrassing at times.

Now we are in a time shift. Time has ceased to exist. We have reached zero point energy. The new element for the fifth world is Ether. What is Ether? Ether is the space between particles in our atmosphere. We all have an etheric body which looks identical to our physical body but functions on a higher frequency. In fact, it is the same frequency as the ether. Is this the body we are going to ascend to? In ether, thought is reality. Thought is transferred instantly through the ether. This means we better think with our hearts because what we think will be what we experience instantly because time is collapsing.

Have any of you had trouble breathing lately? This is because our air is changing. This is not because of pollution or chem-trails or anything like that. Our air is literally changing to a new frequency and it is becoming very dry. The birds have been falling from the sky because they can’t breathe. We need to process this new way of breathing because if we don’t we will have trouble. People who can’t adjust to this higher frequency will start leaving the planet. Have you been coughing? Chances are this is due to changes in the air. Maybe it would be a good idea to talk to our bodies and say something like ‘I love you and I breathe with ease and joy.’ It’s also a good idea to drink lots of water because that helps our body transform.

We have just completed a cycle that started when our solar system was created and that was about 13 billion years ago. That is a long cycle. Our Universe was created in duality so we would have the experience of seeing what duality was like. Then we got caught in the circle of karma and many have been working on getting off that wheel for a long time. When we crossed over the wall of fire and came here we became separated from source. We have spent a long time looking for home. Now is the time we can find home, which is the spark of God within us that is connected to all there is. Welcome home!

There will still be Earth changes, political changes, money changes, and changes within us. I have more information to share so this article is part one with part two on the way when I have time to write it. My friend Mona channeled for me last night and the information about our air changing came from that channeling along with some other information. Lots of love to all of you and create a great year. So Be It!
* * * * *
I would also like to thank everyone who sent money to me. It is greatly appreciated and helps me a lot.
I love you! *****Mahala Gayle*****

Healing Energy

You can sometimes feel tired from the energy sessions because your body is using a lot of energy for healing. You can also feel very cold even on a hot summer day. This is a sign you are releasing negative energy from your system. You can also feel very hot as the energy works through the blockages.

Dreams can be very active and vivid as many people have reported. As the energy works in your energy field then repressed emotions and negative thoughts and beliefs can be released from your energy field. When these things are released they percolate up through the mind like a scuba diver's bubbles coming to the surface of the water and your mind can give it a symbol. If you have frightening dreams just remember that the fear is coming from your own mind and the energy sessions are not causing it, only helping to release what is already present in your energy field.

You can feel more emotional during this time and this is very good because Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) teaches that a lot of dis-ease is caused by repressed emotion. So if you are feeling extra emotional recognize it as a good thing. If you are feeling more angry than usual it can be sign of liver detoxification. TCM teaches the liver stores repressed anger. If you feel angry don't take it out on others, and just be aware of the emotion.

Just keep in mind that all of the this is good. If you have any thing that concerns you either physically, emotionally, mentally or psychologically then see your doctor or proper health care professional. This spiritual healing work is not a substitute for medical treatment of any kind. I nor the energy sessions cure, heal, treat, prevent or diagnose dis-ease. The energy sessions may help your energy field to come into balance so that the innate healing ability of the body can heal itself. TCM teaches when the energy in the body is flowing properly then the body/mind can heal itself.

For All Adoptee

This poem is based on a true life experiences There were six children we became wards of the state father was in jail and mother had a miscarriage. ME and my twin sister were keep together and was adopted at the age of 4 years old.

Under the circumstance at that time in my life it was the best thing that could have happen my older brother and sister were placed in foster care and there was a younger sister that died very young. We also had a younger sister that died at 11 years old. and  meet a 1/2 brother. My adopted parents did the best they could my Father past away at 59 and my Mother was beat up and rape at 79 lived to be 86 in a rest home.

So I been on my own since I was around 10 worked on a farm and was in the job corp at 15-16 fought forest fire in Montana and went in the service Marines at 17 and got married at the age of 19.

I have had and interesting live done many different thing and been on this spiritual past sense I was 6 years old.



Adoptee.   Images within my Mind:           ( Me and my Twin sister at 3-4 years old. )


The feelings of my Mother and Father touch, smiles upon their faces and the sound
of their laughter. The caring and love of our Mother and Father are only images within
my mind.

My Sister and Brothers I once knew have faded away. I search the cities and
streets as the days turn into years. The pain grows deeper, for the lost memories
are becoming faded images within my mind.

For so much time has passed the images I once knew are no longer there. One day
I hope to find these lost images within my mind.

Now after 40 years I have found those lost images I once knew. The pain fades
away and is replace with a sense of peace of mind. The joy within my soul takes the
place of the lost images within my mind.


James H Bloom 12/07/1991

Message from the Magical Kingdom via Méline Lafont: The Unicorns

Message from the Magical Kingdom via Méline Lafont: The Unicorns
2013 JANUARY 1
tags: Elves, Fairies, Magical Kingdom, Méline Lafont, Trolls, Unicorns
Posted by Alice C
Message from the Magical Kingdom via Méline Lafont: The Unicorns
As channeled by Méline Lafont – December 31, 2012

The most magical world of the Fairies and the Unicorns greets you all in their midst. We are the ones that are described in length to your beloved children at bedtime telling of a fairy tale world which you all dream of and yearn for to come into existence. Well now we have become your reality for we, the Unicorns, the Fairies, the Trolls and the Elves all belong to this magical dimension of 1 great Love and wondrous colours. We really do exist and we are presences emerged from the Light, just as all of you.

The recognition of our existence by your hearts has always been a difficult concept to comprehend since your hearts, due to the prolonged existence in this old 3rd Dimension, were not always willing to accept it openly. Your hearts have been shut down for a very long time for this reality and for this selflove; a reality to which our world and our existence belong. That’s why we only lived in the hearts and minds of your children, whose beloved hearts are always so loving, so pure and so receptive!

Now your hearts have opened themselves up to our reality and they have brought their purity and childlike ways back to life : that’s the reason why we, ever so gently, step forward in order to be accepted into your world and into your creations through your hearts, just as it was before. Once we all formed one big unified family where all hearts beated as one, where all minds flowed into one, where gratefulness and appreciation, magic and the most unimaginable colours and Love were ours, were yours and where unlimited abilities resulted in the creation of the most wondrous manifestations You have always known in the depth of your hearts that you have always been such great creators, and we are so thrilled to be able to approach you so that together we can again harmoniously evolve into perfection.

We, the Unicorns, are of a very refined energy and we carry the most sparkling hope in our hearts and that is what we come to bring you now in your hearts and in your creations. A hope that everything will turn out very well and that all is well; a hope that everything will lead again to the original Self and to enlightenment. All goes well with you and that’s why we again pop up in your consciousness as it is allowed now in your hearts and in your creations. We are an integral part of this and have always been present in the most subtle refinements on your world and in your hearts, but always in such a delicate way that acceptation of our energy was a fact.

We stand for perfection and independence, for purity and innocence and we take care of all your hearts in love and hope, surrounding you with our most precious refined energies of silver white light. We cherish the hope of reestablishing our connections in your hearts just like before; we so yearn to meet you once again and to embrace you with all our love. Hence we bring our energies of hope and of refinement again on your planet and in your hearts.Through our magical messages our consciousness will return and will tune in with yours, and together we go to the most magical place of your Ascension into your own splendor.

In stillness and ever so softly we now come forward in your consciousness and we welcome you all back in this wondrous world full of magic as this world can truly be seen as magnificently magical! We so love you all unconditionally! We are connected to many hearts from previous incarnations and from previous places of incarnations and we still carry these connections with us in our hearts of Being. Never has this connection with us been severed, it has only been veiled. This tiny sparkle of connectedness with us and with our world has kept on burning in the depths of thy hearts.

With pomp and splendor we now feel how your humanity is now readied for our world and for accepting us as well as you, as being splendor yourselves. You are so incredibly beautiful beings of Light and each of your colours flourishes all of you. Feel free to contemplate this most marvellous world and immerse yourself deeply in it, you will be blinded by this world for nothing is as wondrous and as marvellous as YOU.

A long time ago all of our hearts created this magnificent world in which we are still dwelling. We have always taken care of each other, we always lived together in perfect harmony; your present fairy tales pale by comparison as this was always a most magical world where we have always dwelled and still do. With lots of regret we were forced to withdraw from your world since your hearts made the choice to manifest a whole different creation. We were no longer able to have our existence in this other creation as we could no longer resonate with it. The difference in vibration was such that it was too great to bear and so we disappeared from your discernable world.

The time would come in which we all would again flourish in your world to once more establish one world and that is exactly what is happening currently, albeit it ever so softly. There is so much that your hearts have to remember and accept that we would not want to force anything and we prefer to let it all unfold in its own perfect time. The Divine wants nothing else than that you adjust in a most comfortable way and in perfect time to all of this since it is a lot to take in, in a very short period of time. That’s the reason why we all bring our blessings and our hope, our courage to persist and especially we are touching your hearts with our reality which is your original reality.

We are most pleased to again be present on this beautiful Gaia, She is so precious to us and we have always continued to support Her, albeit in a most unobservant way. We are the Unicorns of the Magical Kingdom, your so-called fairy tale world, and we come to your reality or better said : you return to our reality. We welcome you all most heartily in this Magical Kingdom full of pomp and splendor in which a feeling of bliss will be experienced once your hearts are this. Let us together recognize and explore this world once again and see yourself standing at the entrance gate of this world, with us by your side. We will be most pleased to lovingly honor every invitation to soar together with you in this state and reality of Love and Magic. We wish you all to have a blissful experience. Welcome. The Unicorns.

Copyright © by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. for Blogger and as Homepage

Celebrating the Christ Consciousness

During this time of the year we celebrate many different holidays or holy-days based on various belief systems depending on where you are located in the world. This show will center around the existence of the Christ Consciousnes, which Master Teacher Jesus embodied through his living, teaching and ultimate Ascension into Mastership. The Christ Consciousness transcends religion and belief systems and is the Divine blueprint for integration of Divine Consciousness. Join us for this loving and intriguing discussion celebrating the Christ Consciousness that lives in you. Click on the link below to check out the show:

Suzanne Lie: The Arcturians – Living Your Highest Point of Perception

Suzanne Lie: The Arcturians – Living Your Highest Point of Perception
2013 JANUARY 1
tags: Suzanne Lie, The Arcturians
Posted by Andrew Eardley
The Arcturians – Living Your Highest Point of Perception
By Suzanne Lie -December 31, 2012

You may think that your world is the same, but if you look deep into your consciousness you will find that it has greatly changed. Whereas before you looked within and sensed the warning to be careful and even secretive, you now find the message that something has changed. You may not, yet, know what that something is. However, there is a feeling of safety where once there was a sense of alert.

Your body, which has been running on adrenalin for much of this life, in fact most of your Earthly incarnations, is now going through adrenalin withdrawal. It is because of this withdrawal that you feel so exhausted and may even have episodes of anger for no apparent reason.

You awoke on 12-22-12 to a world that was apparently the same, but you did not know what a victory that “nothing” was. Great battles, both mental and physical, have been waged, and many lives were lost in the invisible battle to save Earth from the unseen Service to Self dark Ones.

Hence, to awaken to find a world that appears to be the same is a sign that your consciousness has expanded into the resonance of reality in which the Light has won! Remember, Ascension does not mean leaving a certain place and going to another. Ascension means attaching your Point of Perception to a higher frequency of reality.

The underbelly of your world is still tainted with darkness and driven by unseen forces. However, you have ascended beyond the tentacles of that reality. You know this is true because whereas once your inner SELF felt a constant state of alarm, you now feel an inner safety. The years of 1996 to 2003 were the darkest times since the fall of Atlantis.

These times were even darker than your World Wars because these were times when your entire planet was on the edge of complete domination and/or destruction. That reality still exists, but at a much lower frequency. However, the lower versions of “life on planet Earth” are beginning to close. The area of Cosmic Space in which Earth is now traveling is too intense for those frequencies of reality. Hence, they are beginning to cease to exist.

Dear Ascending Ones, it is because of your silent, and apparently individual, process of expanding your consciousness that this victory of freedom from darkness is yours. The mere fact that so many groups could openly and publicly gather to meditate and send love to Gaia is proof that you have expanded your Planetary Consciousness into a higher octave.

On the other hand, some of you had no idea of the true state of your world because you looked to your mainstream media instead of the Internet or your inner SELF. However, each day more and more of you are experiencing unexplained changes in your daily reality. These changes are not because Earth has changed, but because you have changed your Point of Perception into a higher frequency of Earth’s myriad versions of reality.

Releasing your third-dimensional habit of believing that your life is outside-of- you is the KEY to holding your Point of Perception at a higher frequencies of your Multidimensional SELF. Your third-dimensional self is accustomed to looking outside of you to find out how your life is doing. “Are my bills paid? Do I have a nice house? Do I have a good job?” These are all questions based on the illusion that life is outside-of-you. Fortunately, you are beginning to realize/remember that the truest assessment of your life is found within.

Those of you who have been awake to the Truth for the last decades of extreme darkness, sought solace in your outer world because when you went inside to view life you found fear and darkness. Hence, you often focused on your outer life of finding good jobs, nice houses and lot of toys to distract you from the fear you found within.

This inner fear was NOT a sign of your personal depression or mental illness. This fear was a true perception of how your world was in a great battle with the forces of Service to Self. However, if you consciously realized that your inner feelings stemmed from such a frightening truth, your resulting depression and anxiety could diminish whatever determination you had to carry on.

We now want you to know that NOW you can remove your cloak of denial. Your deep, inner fear was not based on whether or not you could pay your bills or would lose your job. The deep inner fear was a true reaction to the secret world that you were fortunate enough to not live. You, our wondrous Ascending Ones, did your parts marvelously. You pretended and/or believed that life was what it appeared to be while you sought to expand your consciousness into the higher expressions of your SELF.

Congratulations – you have been victorious. Not only have you remained attached to the fringe reality of the third dimension, rather than the underbelly of the battle for planet Earth, but you also expanded your inner awareness into the true, higher-dimensional expressions of your Multidimensional SELF. In doing so you assisted Gaia more than you can imagine.

Unknown wars were being fought inside of Gaia’s body. Auspiciously, the Lemurians resonate to their fifth dimensional expressions and could balance the darkness with the great Light of their inner cities. Fortunately, now most of the dark Ones have been defeated. Also, Earth is still intact, which is largely due to the surface dwellers who held the Light of higher consciousness for Gaia through Her darkest nights.

Your choice to not consciously know what was happening was a good tactic, as it greatly diminished your fear. However, you paid the price of depression and anxiety, which appeared to be unfounded. We wish to remind you again that your fears were, indeed, true. As Gaia moves into higher frequencies of reality more of these facts will come into the light of day.

There are still many people who resonate just below your current Point of Perception that would rather doubt themselves than confront the illusions that seemed to offer them enough security to carry on with their lives. It is for this reason that many of the higher frequency facts such as our Galactic assistance, NESARA, withheld technologies and other advantages have not been released to the mainstream public.

Those of you, the Ascending Ones, who so needed to know the Truth that you sought out the terrible facts of the battle for planet Earth, are now being rewarded with the knowledge that you are not alone. You will, also, become increasingly aware that your world is on the cusp of an incredible transition. Because you could allow yourself to know the fearful truths, you can now know the glorious achievement that YOU have fulfilled.

We are sorry that the truth must still remain at a frequency that can only be known by those who expand their consciousness into that resonance. We understand that you tire of waiting. However, we remind you that you were NOT passively waiting for a new world to spontaneously rise up on its own. Now, you can realize that you have been brave warriors who had to block the hidden enemy of inner truth because it could destroy your resolve to continue and/or endanger your safety.

Therefore, you paced your reception of truth and only knew as much about the underbelly of reality with its myriad lies and deceits as you could balance with your daily life. Now your daily consciousness has reconnected with your Higher SELF, and you have achieved the safety of Unity Consciousness with other Ascending Ones as well as with Gaia. Hence, now we can reveal that you were not suffering a psychosomatic illness.

Instead, YOU, our brave multidimensional warriors, were trying to ignore that which you could not change. Instead, you focused on what you could change, which was the resonance of your Earth vessel and the Earth vessel of Gaia. Congratulations, our beloved Ones, for you have been victorious.

However, we feel how much you want to instantly awaken to find New Earth outside your bedroom window. PLEASE maintain this constant desire. However, do not feed it disappointment. Instead, feed this desire Unity Consciousness, hope, anticipation, joy and unconditional love. You are learning to accept what you were waiting for during your myriad lifetimes.

Impatience is understandable and even normal, but not effective in your manifestation process. You have just emerged from a dark cave in which shadows have been perceived as reality. Hence, as you step out of this cave, your perceptions are not yet calibrated to the frequency of light that is still blinding to your physical eyes.

Therefore, you perceive the reality to which you are accustomed. Just as you have tenaciously held on to an inner hope of salvation through the last years of the Kali Yuga, we ask that you maintain that hope while your perceptions re-calibrate to match the frequency of your expanding states of consciousness.

We understand that many of you do not know that your consciousness has expanded into the fifth dimension. However, if you find this message and can accept it, you HAVE indeed invisibly crossed that threshold. You see, our beloveds, YOU are New Earth. YOU are New Earth because you have expanded your glorious Unity Consciousness to encompass the entire planet.

Do you know how much Gaia is cherished in Galactic Circles? You are NOW within the reality for which you have fought and waited for myriad incarnations. However, your Point of Perception has been habitually locked onto the outside-of-you in the physical world.

Therefore, open the windows of your Earth Vessel and allow the higher light to activate your inner perceptions. In this manner, you can look inside-of-you to find your highest Point of Perception. Then, attach your High Heart to this state of consciousness and open your Third Eye to see the New Earth that is YOU.

You have now come into the next phase of your reality. What has changed is the inner causation that creates the effect in your reality. Gaia is moving into the Causal Plane of the fourth dimension. Hence, the 3D lag time between cause and effect will increasingly diminish until your state of consciousness is instantly manifested to become the reality that you wish to perceive.

Most importantly, there is a dimming of the darkness and an expansion of the Light. This expansion is felt within your Earth vessel and within your daily life. Your bodies are changing more each day, and as they do so, more expanded perceptions will come online. Because the lag time between cause and effect is ever closing, your thoughts will appear as light, and oppositions will become fluid and timeless.

Your expanding perceptions are a shift that is 100% under your control. Hence, there is no event out-side-of-you that can deter this process. Furthermore, the in-side-of-you is undergoing a slow but steady alteration. Your Lightbody grows stronger each day, which is why interacting with the third dimensional paradigm is becoming increasingly burdensome.

You are realizing how your consciousness is manifesting into creation. Verbal words are becoming restrictive and you yearn to live in unconditional love and peace. There are many components of your apparently third-dimensional life that have already shifted into the fifth dimensional resonance. You recognize these areas of your life because they are filled with, and/or create the sensation of unconditional love.

This unconditional love may not feel the same as the love that we, the Galactics and Celestials, can emanate from our Group Mind, but it is love that has no conditions. If you can remember to allow this unconditional love to guide you to surrender to all issues of life, you will be creating an aura of protection around you composed of that frequency of unconditional love. Whenever you surrender your life to your higher expressions of SELF without any conditions or limitations, you are creating an aura of unconditional love around you.

This aura of protection allows you to become very brave. Thus, you will gain more confidence in your SELF. It is not easy to put down your 3D reactive and protective shield to surrender into a situation. You have lived in a defensive mode for myriad lives. Thus, it is difficult to completely own your great multidimensional power so that you can release all fear in EVERY situation. In fact, one of your greatest challenges will be to KNOW that you are a Multidimensional Being who naturally resonates beyond the grasp of any 3D issue.

You may experience your Multidimensional SELF as a higher frequency, a sound, a color, a vibration, an energy and/or a higher intelligence. As you come to KNOW your innate protection, you will be able to easily surrender into every situation. This protective frequency of “YOU surrounding you” realizes that EVERY situation that comes into your life is your creation. If you are having a problem in your life, you created that problem so that you could learn and/or remember.

We know that these statements might sound cold to those who have not yet awakened to their true SELF. They still live in a reality where something can be “out of their control.” However, surrender is not a problem for your Ascended Master SELF, as the third dimension is below your base-line resonance. For example, if you are in the water and a shark comes, you can raise your resonance and become invisible to the shark. Furthermore, the shark’s teeth cannot harm you because they will just go through your aura.

Many of you are beginning to have experiences in which you resonate just a half octave above your environment. You are “in that place” and “with those people,” but you are also just above it, as if you were looking into a dream. In other words, your resonance is going “out of sync” with the physical world. At first, people will not notice this because they just saw you there and believe that you are still there. In fact, the same will hold true for you.

At first, you may still believe that you are resonating to the 3D, but feel strangely detached and “spacey”. Do not judge yourself when this happens or try to “pay attention”. Instead, make sure that your body is safe and grounded then allow your bodily sensations and attention to gradually shift. It is preferable to shift gradually rather than swiftly, as fear can come into your consciousness if you change so quickly that you feel out of control.

Try to consciously recognize this experience. Stay calm and breathe slowly with longer exhales. If your body is unsafe, i.e. driving a car or walking on a road, pull your attention back to your physical body and 3D life. When you learned to drive, you first understood about braking and steering before you pushed the accelerator. The same rule applies here. First learn how to stop the experience and how to steer your body and consciousness. In this manner, you will feel in control and will not allow doubt or fear to stop you.

You are learning a new way of living. If you can meditate on a regular basis, you will gain more intimacy with your Higher Expressions of SELF. These Expressions of SELF will assist you to remember what you already know within your higher Point of Perception. Without their guidance, you may believe that you are learning. Learning is a long process, whereas remembering can be instant. Many will have an instant experience, but then doubt it so much that they forget about it until later when they have gained more mastery.

Doubt will be your greatest foe, as it is fear in disguise and lack of confidence in your SELF. When you feel doubt, send yourself unconditional love, unconditional forgiveness and unconditional acceptance. There is no hurry, as time is ending. Yes, your world appears to be the same in many ways, but do you really FEEL the same? You survived and even prospered in the physical world by listening to yourself and by keeping track of your instincts and interactions with your environment.

You will keep this tool and hone it to a sharper edge. As you interact with the higher frequencies of your environment, your instincts will greatly expand. No matter how much you learn from others, you are your own best teacher. You learned and/or remembered how to walk. You often fell, but you still continued. Now that you are learning to run, you may fall more often. However, you are in the company of many others that are taking their baby steps as well.

Most important, you have constant guidance and protection from your Higher Expressions of SELF. Begin your day communing with your SELF, think about your SELF during your day as often as you can. Think of your SELF as you drift off to sleep and as soon as you awaken. It is only within your third dimensional consciousness that you think you should do it alone. As your consciousness expands into the Theta and Delta waves, you will feel the need to actively unite your consciousness with higher expressions of your SELF.

As you grow to appreciate your own higher states of consciousness, you will want to share these experiences with another and/or with a group. You will also find yourself more attached to Nature, plants, animals, waterways and even the sky. You will be getting to know Gaia in a more intimate manner and experience that Her entire planet is alive and happy to communicate with you.

Do you remember when you were a child and found great fascination in a spider on a web or a bird in a tree? You will begin to return to these interests because you will be returning to the innocence and purity of your Divine Child. It is the purity and innocence of your Divine Child that will heal your many wounds from your long sojourn through the third dimension. Therefore, perceive your expanding reality through the eyes of a child in order to find the wonder and adventure within EVERY moment of the NOW.

Congratulations Beloved Family

Welcome Home to your true SELF.

The Arcturians

Happy New Year

Happy New Life

Happy New Earth

Ute Posegga-Rudel: Something Very New is Being Birthed!

Ute Posegga-Rudel: Something Very New is Being Birthed!
2013 JANUARY 1
tags: Angel of the Year 2013, Ute Posegga-Rudel
Posted by Alice C
Ute Posegga-Rudel: Something Very New is Being Birthed!
As channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel – December 30, 2012


Under the blessings of your New Sun, in Me all prophecies for the year 2013, and all possible unfolding events during this time are contained.

They all are the result of humanity’s highest aspirations in unity with the Will of the Creator. While old paradigms are falling apart, after they have risen their already dying heads to their last height with very much effort and their last power, a new world is slowly dawning!

What you have dreamed about will show their first blossoming signs, in the beginning not so noticeable, but increasingly manifesting before your eyes.

And you will notice, if you observe with an awareness that is already participating in higher dimensional vibration and realities, that by now something very new is being birthed into manifestation, something that has not existed on your earth before.

The new reality that will appear and make its way into your world and experience, needs to be given vision and energy so that it can manifest by the power of your desire and recognition of it. Otherwise it would slip the conscious awareness of most of you.

Having descended from the heavens, by now it is merely still existing unmanifested in your world. But it is seeking to find its form by being drawn down from the etherical body of Earth into Her biological sphere. Then it will become obvious to more and more human beings, until it is an undeniable reality of new manifestation to all, as you, the forerunners have been helping to create it.

If this happens, it also rises the level of consciousness of humankind altogether and contributes thereby to the great process of ascension for every soul on your world.

It will be noticed in due course that your life will start to manifest on a completely new level. Many things will seem to be similar or even the same like they are now, but they are not, as they will begin to vibrate much higher, a Quality instilled with new Divine Clarity and In-Spiration of Great Beauty. And with this, the information of all things changes, which in turn also changes your level of consciousness. One triggers the other, but in truth there is no difference between them.

As your body-mind and world will vibrate on an increasingly higher level, you will perceive reality differently, and although your new world will still be a world of manifestation, as it is now, your old reality will be shifted slowly to something new and fully arisen in the Divine, not manipulated by the intention of lower minds, but rising pure and unstained, sublimely expanded and sacred.

This comes with a profound change of paradigms. The Beauty of inseparable unity of all things and beings will become more and more obvious, and ever more people will suddenly realize that what is outside is somehow also inside.

However if a mind is still looking into the direction of the old world, it will not notice the arrival of the great change and claim that indeed nothing has changed at all! It is all a matter of not letting go of old habit and familiarity.Therefore it is necessary to educate and inspire the mind and heart of those who tend to persist in the old ways of perception, so that also they can begin to open their mind and heart to receive the vision of the new reality.

This can be done, if more and more servants of the light are living the unconditional love that is already present on Earth. This enables them to become transparent to the new consciousness that is waiting to be manifested, so that they are able to utilize it for creation. If the still unconscious majority of humanity is experiencing Love’s Light of non-separation, their mind and heart will wake up rapidly, willing to open for the new dawning truth.

Therefore, because of much resistance of the many in the beginning, the willing servants of light and unconditional love, are called to open their mind and heart first to begin seriously to notice what occurs. They are called to take active steps in this process and grant support with their good will, by serving their own growth first, and then humanity and the planet.

Those who desire to serve the Light must understand that much is indeed already happening, and that the path has been paved for a new world, although not yet noticeable for all. To recognize this, some more work of purification might be necessary, by releasing denser energies, mostly emotions, but also limiting beliefs from their system. As soon as they are cleared, they will be in resonance with the dawning of the new world, able to participate in it and support it.

The more are aware of this big change and hold it consciously in their heart and mind, the stronger and sooner will your new reality shine and become a tangible experience for everybody. With this a great weight will be lifted from humanity and a new freedom in lightness and happiness will fill all hearts, relieved from the shadows of the past.

In that moment, light can fully enter your domain. And so, by receiving the Divine Gifts, humanity has liberated itself, by their willingness to rise their consciousness and SEE what already has been given by the Divine Heart to all.

Those who can grasp already now my words and what they convey to you with their open heart and mind, are already helping with the manifestation of this new reality in your world so that soon all can participate in it.

I thank you all for your dedicated work and your love! It is up to humanity now to receive all the already given gifts more and more and to integrate them into their heart and mind.

Servants of the Light are now given a great and joyous responsibility, to open for and cooperate with this new consciousness, so it can show its signs and manifest.

May all who wish to serve, be inspired with the desire to support this growing new consciousness on earth. May they understand, that there is no end in their own evolutionary process and that all are creators of their own state of mind and heart, and that all things are possible.

May all grow beyond self-inflicted limitations and understand that every Divine Power resides already in themselves!

I AM the Angel of 2013!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,

Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Wes Annac: The Pleiadian Council of Nine – Gaia’s Energetic Framework is Changing and Transforming

Wes Annac: The Pleiadian Council of Nine – Gaia’s Energetic Framework is Changing and Transforming
2012 DECEMBER 31
tags: Pleiadian Council of Nine, wes annac
Posted by Alice C
Wes Annac: The Pleiadian Council of Nine – Gaia’s Energetic Framework is Changing and Transforming
Channelled through Wes Annac – December 31, 2012

Note from Wes: This message, as well as the previous one from the Pleiadian High Council, was channeled before the 12-21 alignment and while some may not see the material as relavent to where we are currently, I think you will still find it helpful.

Greetings, dearest souls, I am Mariara representing the Pleiadian Council of Nine and we are happy and delighted to be in the vicinity of your energies at this time. Dearest SanJAsKa is usually representing all of our Councils when speaking through this specific scribe, but we are allowing dearest Mariara to speak because this soul is training for the very work performed by SanJAsKa in representing us and our Councils.

You are being led to realize the fluidity of your realities and your clear ability to shape and mold the very energy around you that forms your realities, in ways that suit and fit your needs and we could not be happier to see you dear souls integrate your ability to interact with your realities unto your everyday Lives, and experience the resulting benefits in yourselves.

Your perspectives are shifting and changing and this process has been ongoing, and we are here to help each one of you through your Earthly difficulties by offering our perspectives. We hope to assist you dear souls, as does every other soul in the higher realms who speaks to humanity and offers you advice along your Life paths, and we specifically have helped each one of you in previous Lives to find the enlightenment and knowledge within yourselves that led [and still leads] you toward the higher realms.

We have helped many of you to find enlightenment throughout various time periods in Gaia’s history and while the bulk of what you would recognize as evidence of these contact has been hidden from you, you can still see much in your ancient history’s art that suggests the very real contacts that have taken place on your world throughout various centuries.

We have truly been with you for longer than you dear souls realize and whenever the colonies of Atlantis and Lemuria fell, we went from existing with you in the colony of Atlantis to watching you from our ships as you experienced the lower dimensions as a natural result of the choices made in Atlantis.

We have been helping you to ascend and reach purer states of consciousness ever since the fall of Atlantis and Lemuria which you will hear much about in due time, and we will be able to display much proof of our interactions with you; in the times of Atlantis and after such times and we will as well, explain and provide the proof of the reality of Atlantis and Lemuria alike.

The Agarthans have been working very hard on their presentation of the Akashic Records, as they will be displaying specifically the role that they have played in helping you all to ascend ever since they left Lemuria and went underground to the hollow Earth.

The Lemurians did indeed ascend and find purer states of consciousness, and have existed within Agartha since the fall of their colony to help you all ascend this time around rather than find the unfortunate destruction Atlantis and Lemuria found.

Many of you have wondered about us specifically and about the experiences we have in every moment, and we wish you to know that we are very much like you; only we experience a harmonious, blissful and pure state of consciousness that we wish with every part of ourselves for you all to find, know and experience once again as well.

Your entire ascension and the reason for our communications being sent to your world, has been for the purposes of helping you reach the states of consciousness we enjoy once again, as you are all familiar with the higher realms and you are all able to feel them in your own ways, even as you exist within the lower dimensional veil.

We are you; it is simply that we have found and rediscovered our infinity and we now work to help any soul throughout Creation who can possibly find an enlightened perspective, to inhabit the states of consciousness we have ourselves ascended to and quite enjoy inhabiting. Every race throughout this Galaxy who has found a collective ascension has formed into a Galactic Federation of all of these races, who help any underdeveloped planets to ascend and find the states of consciousness that we again, have all ascended to and currently enjoy existing within.

Upon ascending into a fifth dimensional state of consciousness, you will find the importance of serving others in all that you do and as we have found this importance after having ascended, we work to help this entire Galaxy to ascend and our Federation is one small facet of the Lighted Organizations and collectives all throughout Creation who have united and come together to help every aspect of Creation still experiencing a lower dimensional consciousness, to ascend.

The “number” of Lighted Organizations and members of such Organizations far exceeds any number we could give you, but we ask you to imagine a million Earths, all filled with Lighted souls who have come together and are working to help the rest of Creation find the Unity and ascended perspectives that we have found. Even this representation does not do justice to the description of the actual “number” of our Federations and the races such Federations, but we hoped to have been able to provide a glimpse for you dear souls.

In essence, there are a lot of Lighted souls helping to see that this entire Creation remembers its inherent connection to our Mother/Father Creator and we are all working with every facet of ourselves to serve the unawakened aspects of Creation.

You are all a part of these Lighted efforts as well, and you are the strongest of souls within our ranks. We understand that many of you don’t quite yet understand the magnificence of what you are doing, but you will know this in the time ahead when you see the actual energetic effects of your very presence on the Earth.

You are making the most potent of effects upon the Earth collective and yes, you dear souls have been told this many times. We will continue and continue to repeat this until it is truly soaked in that you are Creating the most marvelous of change upon the surface of a lower dimensional planet who has been anchored in density.

With every meditation; every Lighted interaction you find yourselves experiencing; every peek into the higher realms; you are anchoring energies that have been needed so very greatly to be anchored upon the surface of Gaia, so that She and all on Her surface could benefit from such energies. As Gaia’s very energetic framework is changing and transforming back to its former glory, your Light is needed and required greatly at this time.

When you dear souls are able to feel the sheer bliss and joy that will result from our presence around you and on your world, you will have absolutely no fear that we are anyone other than whom we say we are.

The pumped-up fears about negative outside forces invading and plundering your world will be replaced with an understanding that the human form is prevalent throughout this Universe and that the pure distortions of Love and Light form the guiding principles for the many evolved humans who are visiting your world now and who have many times in the past. We are the Lighted visitors to a world that is of your own Creation at present, but that was once home to as many heavenly entities as the dear Earth’s surface and inner-realms would allow.

We all wish to help you dear souls find the brimming vibrations of Source that you are growing toward, and we have no malicious intent for you or your world.

In fact, our strict following of your freewill has been a key factor in disclosure and our open contacts not having been pushed forward; because there are many dear sous on your world still trapped within their own predefined perceptions of what reality is, and becoming aware of the reality of our existence and presence on your world would serve to shatter the “bubbles” of such souls exponentially.

As a result, this entire process is one that must be looked after with as much ease, care and grace as possible for indeed, we will be introducing ourselves to your world and you will find a collective upliftment from our presence and our help but again, those who are not ready must be introduced to us in latent ways that will gradually put-forth the idea of our existence.

This process has been ongoing in your mainstream media for some time and while the cabals have attempted to sway this process and insert their propaganda into the latent revelations about us that are beginning to be made known on your world; the stories of Earth-like planets or possible Life on other worlds in your media that are starting to emerge are not tainted by the cabals and are rather, preparing the everyday citizen to know about our presence by latently and inherently introducing such concepts through a media that many unawakened souls on your world have been incredibly attached to.

Of course, the “alien invasion” related movies, television shows and news stories are the attempts by the cabal to get humanity to fear our presence and they plan to attempt to use small segments of the alternative media that they have control over, to soon put out many false alien-invasion stories and exaggerated stories of Niburu, etc. as your planet ascends further into realms that will take the veils off of the minds and hearts of humanity.

We ask you dear souls to be discerning with any piece of alternative or even spiritual news that you read, because the remaining segments of the cabals have attempted to infiltrate the truth movements occurring at present and swing the news coming out of certain alternative news sites, into stories that fit their own agenda and what they would like humanity to believe.

The infiltration of such websites by the cabals that may be used to disseminate fear-based stories about extraterrestrials in the time ahead, will be recognized by such stories and with your growing and rising levels of discernment, you dear souls will be able know what is and isn’t truth as you become increasingly awakened.

We would like to speak if allotted, on the emergence of the higher realms and the resulting perceptions within yourselves that are being garnered at present.

We implore you all to realize any old or outdated mindsets, habit patterns or belief systems [still employed] because the current intensity you experience now will be heightened exponentially, and a centered mind and heart is more important than anything.

You are already beginning to feel this power coming up from within and making itself known to you dear souls, and we would like to speak as well on the “flashes” of astral landscapes that some of you are noticing increasingly.

We say that now and in the time ahead, many of you may notice as a natural result of your unfolding perceptions, increasing flashes of landscapes, places or timelines and you may notice as well, a refining of such landscapes and a transformation of many aspects of them into the higher dimensional ones you have been working to find.

We have offered our scribe the best possible experience of this transformation we could offer, and we likened it to him a putting on a different lens of perception.

We allowed him to view his homeland and the land he currently resides in, as the ascended Eden it truly is. The higher selves and guides of each one of you will begin offering very similar experiences to you and as goes without saying, you will naturally attract such experiences to yourselves with your unfolding perceptions as we help you to realize them and bring them about in yourselves.

You will increasingly become aware of your inner-planes and all that make up your inner-planes; especially your emotions. You will begin to recognize and some of you have already been able to recognize, the two seeming different realities you are beginning exist in; the outer and the inner. You are beginning now to see, feel and realize that your inner reality is just as strong if not stronger than the outer reality you experience and many of you are beginning to see, feel and notice the powerful effects your emotions have upon your Lives and your conscious experience.

For many of you, visiting the higher realms entails meeting us aboard our ships and we will welcomingly accept any dear soul who wishes to travel to our ships utilizing their visualization and “imagination” abilities.

It has been discussed that you can Create and experience anything within your imagination and you can visit any ascended and Galactic soul you would like to, for we are all humbly awaiting the introduction and reunion on the part of every dear soul on Earth, with us and the realms we exist within joyously for indeed, we are helping you reach these realms again!

You dear souls have made the climb and dealt with the extremes and densities of the Earth experience and we do not exaggerate when we say that you have come out of this experience as marvelous, Divine shining Gods. Truly noting can hold you back from anchoring your inner-held Creator Light unto a world immersed in darkness to quite extreme extents.

The extent of the lies and veils that have been established and kept fed on your world goes much farther that you dear souls could imagine at present. We do our best to fill in the gaps and give you as much knowledge and information as you can integrate and handle in any given moment, but even our communications do not do justice to the immense truth that you all need to know and absorb, so that your perceptions of what reality is can be changed exponentially.

We do not wish to take anybody away from their Created realities and indeed, any soul on your world who is comfortable in the third dimension will naturally find themselves undergoing further third dimensional travels, because ascension is your choice and every dear soul is honored along their paths no matter which direction they intend to travel.

However, there is so very much that humanity as a collective simply needs to be informed of and much of what you have been lied to about can be traced back to many, many Galactic visitations with your world in various time periods of your history.

Our many contacts with humanity are not the biggest secrets your cabals have kept that will shock you the most, but they are among the biggest and if the bubble were to be fully burst concerning us, our benevolence and the many contacts we have made with your world, a near-instant awakening would see the people realizing all that has been hidden from them and as a result, humanity will want more and more answers.

So many aspects of your reality that many dear souls have not understood or have thought to be tyrannical, will be unraveled and exposed and this will lead to the ultimate exposure of every aspect of the cabals and what they have done to your world throughout various time periods and when these disclosures comes forth, it will be important to remain balanced and stable and not to resort to anger or violence because of what has been done to you as a collective.

You all entered into this experience knowing just what you were facing and while many of you did not anticipate the extremes of intensity prevalent on the Earth, you still knew the terms and conditions of your incarnation and while this sentiment will not help many people when the disclosure announcements expose every facet of what the cabals have done; we will be reminding each and every one of you that the very violent and angry energies some may wish to feed upon being informed, are the very energies that drove and fed the cabals in the first place.

It will be explained that a new age and a new way of peace and harmony is unfolding on your world, and it will be explained that the old ways of vengeance simply have no place in this new world and the ways of forgiveness and Light are to replace them.

We can feel that humanity will feel much better if you are not vengeful toward the cabals, as the majority of your world does know that the way your society is functioning at this point simply cannot sustain your collective.

You are one soul, one entity, one Godsource and when you war with each other and attempt to destroy the very fabric that makes up the conscious experience of each and every one of you; oh, the vibrations of separation manifested are enormous and far-reaching, and will serve to hold you dear souls back much more than man realizes. This is why such vibrations have been prevalent and fed on your world for so very long, because the cabals have not wanted you dear souls to find and anchor the ways of peace, harmony and collective sustainability.

No, dear souls, they have wanted you to remain separated and divided because of perceived outer differences. Realizing the inner-Godhood that we all possess within and realizing that we are all constructed of the same Source energy no matter our outer appearances, will be another significant factor in lifting the veils from humanity’s minds and hearts.

Some of you look around your dear world and wonder how change could possibly enacted in the short timeframes that have been discussed.

We say that while there is indeed still much individual and collective density manifested on your world at present, there are a few collective mind and heart sets feeding such mass divisiveness and separation that, as humanity is fully informed and you work together to rebuild your world, will dissolve quite rapidly. (1)

It will be interesting for you dear souls to see how quickly your instated barriers of density, hatred and separation will fade away whenever worldwide prosperity and peace is introduced and anchored unto you and your world, and you will find that what you have seen as outer differences between your fellow man have really been the results of established collective, manufactured divisiveness that you are now beginning to find yourselves able to see through and realize for the hollowness it truly is.

Every aspect of separation that has been fed on your world is to come to an end and as we make our final impressions for this communication and express gratitude to each and every one of you, we ask you to make your attempts to feel and notice the brimming vibrations now beginning to make themselves known within you.

Only you can hold you back and as you will find, the densities of the illusion are much easier to transmute than the lower dimensional experience has taught you. Your reality is fluid, and you are the Masters of your experience.

Thank you to the Pleiadian Council of Nine.

(1) The Hathors have discussed this as well, and referred to the density as “a last few but influential pillars of darkness feeding every last bit of density manifested on your world” or something to that extent.

The collective of Earth is reaching a very important time in your history, and the pure states of consciousness you are all going to find within yourselves will not be matched by what you experience currently.


Libro La Semilla





El libro LA SEMILLA es es un libro revelador, una herramienta para que las personas despierten a una nueva realidad que ha permanecido oculta en favor de los intereses de unos pocos.

Descubre EL SECRETO que esconde LA LEY DE LA ATRACCIÓN, los principios de la verdadera ESPIRITUALIDAD, la METAFÍSICA DE LA VIDA, la AUTOAYUDA, el CRECIMIENTO PERSONAL, la FÍSICA CUÁNTICA, el PENSAMIENTO POSITIVO, el DESARROLLO PERSONAL y LA SANACIÓN DE las EMOCIONES y TRAUMAS PASADOS... Y haz que tu Mundo active la llegada de una NUEVA ERA donde puedas vivir en PAZ y ARMONÍA lejos del hermetismo y la ignorancia a la que hemos estado sometidos.

"No espere más, porque esperando se nos va la Vida que esperamos... Y no podremos comprar aquello que no tiene precio"

Podemos estar toda la Vida en una noria mientras tropezamos una y otra vez, sin saber por qué. O podemos DESPERTAR a esta nueva REALIDAD, a una nueva CONSCIENCIA

"Naciste con nada y a la vez con todo. Y has de ser feliz con nada, para poder ser feliz con todo"

Muchos maestros espirituales, como BUDA y JESÚS, además de otros grandes seres que han marcado nuestra historia, como el gran MAHATMA GANDHI, LAO-TSE, CONFUCIO o HERMES TRISMEGISTO, intentaron abrirnos los ojos y hacernos VER.

Ponen etiquetas como Pseudociencia, Pseudomísticos, Conspiranoico o Teoría de la Conspiración y hacen campañas en contra de todo aquel o aquello que va en contra de su beneficio, como sucede con las TERAPIAS ALTERNATIVAS.

Todo aquello que intente interferir en su propósito, es eliminado y alienado por su maquinaria de distracción masiva. Todo lo que no les conviene es PSEUDO y CONSPIRACIÓN... O simplemente se encargan de destruir la credibilidad de las personas que van contracorriente, tachándolos de charlatanes o locos.

"No podremos comprender el Todo, si no nos situamos en el Todo"

Puedes leer el libro más vendido de Autoayuda y Crecimiento Personal en Español, un Best-Seller para crecer y encontrar tu equilibrio

Hay escritores magníficos en EL AHORA y que nos acompañaron poco tiempo atrás, que nos ofrecen enseñanzas extraordinarias, como son el caso de Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Ekhart Tolle, Neale Donald Walsch, Emilio Carrillo, Jorge Bucay, Rhonda Byrne, Paulo Coelho, Nassim Haramein, Tony Robbins, Daniel Goleman, Robert Kiyosaky, Viktor Frankl, Robert Fisher, Álex Trías, Fernando Rovira, El Dalai Lama, Louse L. Hay, Suzanne Powell, Robin Sharma, Jack Canfield, Ramón Campayo, Cayetano Arroyo, Nunc, Dan Millman, Bernardo Stamateas, Eduardo Punset, Elsa Punset, Michael Brown, Walter Riso, Gregg Braden, Joe Vitale, Fred Alan Wolf, Lain García Calvo y otros muchos, algunos menos conocidos, pero que te ayudarán a SER FELIZ.

También puedes ver vídeos y audios con noticias y enseñanzas alternativas en canales de Youtube como Mindalia Televisión o La Caja de Pandora y leer revistas como Discovery Salud y Mente Sana que te aportarán sabiduría además de estimular tu propia intuición.




-Construyendo los cimientos

-La ignorancia es el límite de nuestra libertad

-Las religiones

-Energía. Todo lo que existe es energía

-El orden

-2012, el inicio de una nueva Era

-Las civilizaciones antiguas

-El agua

-Los otros

-El sentido de la vida

-La mujer… Lo femenino

-El amor

-Conócete a ti mismo

-El centésimo mono

-Los que manejan el mundo

-El lenguaje de Dios

-Los niños índigos, Cristal y los niños Súper-Psíquicos

-El origen

-Los números, la geometría y los astros

-Fenómeno 11:11

-El último Presente

-El Sueño

-Reflexión. A modo de síntesis

-Un poco de ayuda

-Oración de co-creación





Pedro Javier Pérez Cáceres

Libro La Semilla Libros Autoayuda Libros Crecimiento Personal Libros Desarrollo Personal Books Life Coaching Libros Metafísica Books Personal Coaching Libros Espiritualidad Books Motivación Libros Superación Libros Nueva Era, Activismo, Filosofía de Vida Publicación Literaria Conspiración Literatura Meditación Libros Ufología, Astrología, Numerología Ensayo Flor de la Vida Poesía, Escritor Pedro J. Perez, Ensayo, No Ficción, Pedro Javier Pérez Cáceres, Consciencia Ensayo Terapias Alternativas Libros Adoctrinamiento, Manipulación Libros Corrupción, Fraude Sistema Financiero The Seed a book to remember A book to remember The Seed The Seed Books Seed The Book Pedro Javier Pérez Cáceres Audiolibro La Semilla Letras del Alma Libro La Semilla Escritor Pedro J. Pérez Pedro J. Pérez Escritor The Seed a book to remember A book to remember The Seed The Seed Book The Seed Books Seed The Book The Seed The Book Escritor Pedro J. The Seed Book Libro Best Seller Libro La Semilla Ebook Libro La Semilla Youtube Pedro J. Pérez Mafia Farmacéutica, Sistema Esclavista, Amor Libros Autoayuda Amazon Libros Autoayuda Google Play Libros Espiritualidad Libros Cuerpo, Mente, Espíritu Libertad, Paz, Felicidad, Multidimensional, Psicología, Mente, Cuerpo, espíritu, Alma, Self-Help Books The Seed Book

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