domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2012

Blazing Light, Love's Song

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Venus Hierarchically Rules Capricorn

Astrology holds layers of mysteries. The subject at hand is Capricorn. When it its first decanate, its mystical power comes to mind. For me during these 10 days, this sign of the archetypal Father becomes completely about the Divine Mother: She who is the Mother of the World, the creator of all that Earth is designed to be, and the Mother of all the Sons and Daughters of Light including the one called God by all His names.

Glimpse_of_a_unicorn_by_IronshodThe unicorn is the highest mythic expression of Capricorn energy. Pure in its power, only the pure of heart and mind can approach it. That level of purity is always symbolized by the maiden.

Unicorns are rare like the pure in heart and mind. Equally rare is the awareness that this level of Capricorn is representing. It is an initiated consciousness, sharing in the mysteries of Life itself. Capricorn holds the secrets of time and karma, of the long winding road of experience, and the wisdom gained and offered through the process. The unicorn holds secrets as well: the horn of insight which is also the wand of magic, the ability to appear or disappear, and long life. Matter appears and disappears according to our whims. Desire is largely this level of human magic, but insight would change that forever. Creation would then be what we manifest through the purity of heart-mind as true co-creators. Our consciousness, through insight and realization, would be initiated into wider awareness symbolized by the location of the unicorn’s horn – above the ajna center on the brow and below the crown chakra. This point on the crest of the brow is the diamond point, an energy center that awakens along the Path of Awareness, and is used like the unicorn’s horn to heal, intuit, and direct energy.

culture-tanitWherever there is a virgin or maiden, there is Venus-Sophia. Venus rules Capricorn hierarchically. This means that the highest qualities of the planet and the sign are being expressed through this relation. Venus ruling is also reporting that the highest authority  is the Divine Feminine. Authority and power over are qualities of the four cardinal signs, Capricorn being one. In Capricorn that is expressed through father, government, bosses, and great overarching structures which either impose their will on or to which we have given our will away. These are Saturnian in nature, the traditional and exoteric ruler of Capricorn. But Venus offers a different kind of authority, one born from within. In esoteric astrology, Venus often represents the Soul in its glory, Sophia (Athena, Isis). Turn the spiral of spiritual expression higher and Venus can represent the universal awareness of buddhic realization and wisdom. On this level, we might superimpose the Pleiades’ Seven Sisters for Venus-Soul and locally the planet Neptune – beatific love and beauty from which, mythologically, Venus was born. On the highest turn of hierarchical expression, I believe Venus veils the Mother of the World – the highest authority of the land, sea, and sky – the Creator. Within that level of veiling is the Mother of the Buddhas (Prajnaparamita), Theotokos, Innana, and the Queen of the Dakinis.

In the view of the spiritual Path, Capricorn is said to represent initiation. Systems of initiation, initiatory rites, and initiated awareness have been part of human spiritual evolution in all cultures and traditions forever. With Unicorn, maiden, and Venus in mind it is interesting to consider:

  • that some initiations begin with a state of purity and complete with newfound wisdom,
  • that many initiations include harsh or outwardly cruel processes to “test” the candidate for his or her worthiness in order to be accepted into the mysteries of greater Truth and Responsibility,
  • that all initiations open one’s awareness to a wider Reality, inclusive of some measure of interconnectedness, Oneness (through dialogue and teaching and/or through direct internal, meditative, or required experiences).

The maiden or virgin stands for purity of heart and mind, and often of innocent youth correctly trusting in the goodness of human and Mother nature. The harshness, yes represents Saturn in its traditional role, but the transformation possible through the magical quality of “inner worth” speaks of the unicorn, its stately nature and horn of magic. And the interconnectedness and Oneness that is expanded initiated consciousness expresses Venus-Sophia Mother of All.

theotokos-the-inexhaustable-cup-julia-bridget-hayesIn the Greek icon, Theotokos, the Christ rises out of the holy chalice which rests in the fully open heart of the Divine Mother. Christ represents all creation – indeed the Earth itself in this earth sign. Divine Mother is the true grail, the only source-cup from which holy life and realization pour. Will-red robed Mother of Christ-world-creation appears in her contemplative form in the Greek icon and in her ecstatic dance as the red Queen of the Daikinis. Vajrayogini by Paul HeussenstammOne Mother. Highest Capricorn with Venus hierarchically ruling confers the unicorn horn-magic wand to those who, in awakening their virgin-pure selves, have awakened to Oneness.

Precious Earth

Christ consciousness? Maybe one definition is awe of what IS. Hail, Mother Gaia, spaceship Earth.

OVERVIEW from Planetary Collective on Vimeo.


Libro La Semilla





El libro LA SEMILLA es es un libro revelador, una herramienta para que las personas despierten a una nueva realidad que ha permanecido oculta en favor de los intereses de unos pocos.

Descubre EL SECRETO que esconde LA LEY DE LA ATRACCIÓN, los principios de la verdadera ESPIRITUALIDAD, la METAFÍSICA DE LA VIDA, la AUTOAYUDA, el CRECIMIENTO PERSONAL, la FÍSICA CUÁNTICA, el PENSAMIENTO POSITIVO, el DESARROLLO PERSONAL y LA SANACIÓN DE las EMOCIONES y TRAUMAS PASADOS... Y haz que tu Mundo active la llegada de una NUEVA ERA donde puedas vivir en PAZ y ARMONÍA lejos del hermetismo y la ignorancia a la que hemos estado sometidos.

"No espere más, porque esperando se nos va la Vida que esperamos... Y no podremos comprar aquello que no tiene precio"

Podemos estar toda la Vida en una noria mientras tropezamos una y otra vez, sin saber por qué. O podemos DESPERTAR a esta nueva REALIDAD, a una nueva CONSCIENCIA

"Naciste con nada y a la vez con todo. Y has de ser feliz con nada, para poder ser feliz con todo"

Muchos maestros espirituales, como BUDA y JESÚS, además de otros grandes seres que han marcado nuestra historia, como el gran MAHATMA GANDHI, LAO-TSE, CONFUCIO o HERMES TRISMEGISTO, intentaron abrirnos los ojos y hacernos VER.

Ponen etiquetas como Pseudociencia, Pseudomísticos, Conspiranoico o Teoría de la Conspiración y hacen campañas en contra de todo aquel o aquello que va en contra de su beneficio, como sucede con las TERAPIAS ALTERNATIVAS.

Todo aquello que intente interferir en su propósito, es eliminado y alienado por su maquinaria de distracción masiva. Todo lo que no les conviene es PSEUDO y CONSPIRACIÓN... O simplemente se encargan de destruir la credibilidad de las personas que van contracorriente, tachándolos de charlatanes o locos.

"No podremos comprender el Todo, si no nos situamos en el Todo"

Puedes leer el libro más vendido de Autoayuda y Crecimiento Personal en Español, un Best-Seller para crecer y encontrar tu equilibrio

Hay escritores magníficos en EL AHORA y que nos acompañaron poco tiempo atrás, que nos ofrecen enseñanzas extraordinarias, como son el caso de Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Ekhart Tolle, Neale Donald Walsch, Emilio Carrillo, Jorge Bucay, Rhonda Byrne, Paulo Coelho, Nassim Haramein, Tony Robbins, Daniel Goleman, Robert Kiyosaky, Viktor Frankl, Robert Fisher, Álex Trías, Fernando Rovira, El Dalai Lama, Louse L. Hay, Suzanne Powell, Robin Sharma, Jack Canfield, Ramón Campayo, Cayetano Arroyo, Nunc, Dan Millman, Bernardo Stamateas, Eduardo Punset, Elsa Punset, Michael Brown, Walter Riso, Gregg Braden, Joe Vitale, Fred Alan Wolf, Lain García Calvo y otros muchos, algunos menos conocidos, pero que te ayudarán a SER FELIZ.

También puedes ver vídeos y audios con noticias y enseñanzas alternativas en canales de Youtube como Mindalia Televisión o La Caja de Pandora y leer revistas como Discovery Salud y Mente Sana que te aportarán sabiduría además de estimular tu propia intuición.




-Construyendo los cimientos

-La ignorancia es el límite de nuestra libertad

-Las religiones

-Energía. Todo lo que existe es energía

-El orden

-2012, el inicio de una nueva Era

-Las civilizaciones antiguas

-El agua

-Los otros

-El sentido de la vida

-La mujer… Lo femenino

-El amor

-Conócete a ti mismo

-El centésimo mono

-Los que manejan el mundo

-El lenguaje de Dios

-Los niños índigos, Cristal y los niños Súper-Psíquicos

-El origen

-Los números, la geometría y los astros

-Fenómeno 11:11

-El último Presente

-El Sueño

-Reflexión. A modo de síntesis

-Un poco de ayuda

-Oración de co-creación





Pedro Javier Pérez Cáceres

Libro La Semilla Libros Autoayuda Libros Crecimiento Personal Libros Desarrollo Personal Books Life Coaching Libros Metafísica Books Personal Coaching Libros Espiritualidad Books Motivación Libros Superación Libros Nueva Era, Activismo, Filosofía de Vida Publicación Literaria Conspiración Literatura Meditación Libros Ufología, Astrología, Numerología Ensayo Flor de la Vida Poesía, Escritor Pedro J. Perez, Ensayo, No Ficción, Pedro Javier Pérez Cáceres, Consciencia Ensayo Terapias Alternativas Libros Adoctrinamiento, Manipulación Libros Corrupción, Fraude Sistema Financiero The Seed a book to remember A book to remember The Seed The Seed Books Seed The Book Pedro Javier Pérez Cáceres Audiolibro La Semilla Letras del Alma Libro La Semilla Escritor Pedro J. Pérez Pedro J. Pérez Escritor The Seed a book to remember A book to remember The Seed The Seed Book The Seed Books Seed The Book The Seed The Book Escritor Pedro J. The Seed Book Libro Best Seller Libro La Semilla Ebook Libro La Semilla Youtube Pedro J. Pérez Mafia Farmacéutica, Sistema Esclavista, Amor Libros Autoayuda Amazon Libros Autoayuda Google Play Libros Espiritualidad Libros Cuerpo, Mente, Espíritu Libertad, Paz, Felicidad, Multidimensional, Psicología, Mente, Cuerpo, espíritu, Alma, Self-Help Books The Seed Book

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